Xiaomi has unveiled an all-new variant of the Mi 6 ahead of the Singles' Day sale. The new 4GB RAM variant has been announced for the Chinese market. It has been launched at CNY 2,299 (roughly Rs. 22,500) and will be going on sale on Saturday, November 11 (11/11) as part of Singles' Day sale. Interested buyers in China can head to the company's Xiaomi online store and pre-book a unit ahead of Singles' Day sale. The flagship Xiaomi Mi 6 was launched earlier this year in a 6GB RAM configuration. To refresh, the company had unveiled three variants at different price points: Mi variant with 64GB storage and 6GB RAM was launched at CNY 2,499 (roughly Rs. 23,500), while the model with 128GB storage and 6GB RAM was priced at CNY 2,899 (roughly Rs. 27,000); both variants come in Black, White and Blue colour options. A ceramic variant was also launched at CNY 2,999 (roughly Rs. 28,000) and came with 6GB RAM and 128GB storage. Apart from RAM difference, the new Mi 6 4GB RAM variant comes with identical specifications to the original. Some of the highlights of the Mi 6 include the premium 3D glass design, powerful Snapdragon 835 processor, 6GB of RAM, and dual rear cameras. The Mi 6 flagship smartphone packs an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 SoC clocked at 2.45GHz coupled with Adreno 540 GPU. The Xiaomi Mi 6 display measures 5.15-inch diagonally and sports full-HD (1080x1920 pixels) resolution. Its maximum brightness is 600 nits, but the brightness can be reduced automatically down to as low as 1 nit to reduce eye-strain. Xiaomi Mi 6 camera features the dual camera setup at the back. It sports dual 12-megapixel rear cameras, a setup reminiscent of the iPhone 7 Plus. The phone features a 12-megapixel wide-angle lens and another 12-megapixel telephoto camera for 2x lossless zoom. With 3350mAh battery, Xiaomi Mi 6 has features such as front-firing dual speakers, Bluetooth 5.0, dual-SIM support (4G + 4G/ 3G/ 2G), 8-megapixel front camera with 1080p video capture at 30fps, and slo-mo videos.
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